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CMEC’s Deed Honored as Outstanding Case of Central Enterprises Promoting Rural Vitalization

Release time:2024-06-14 Article source: Reading times: Text size:【A+AA-
Recently, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council (SASAC) held an experience exchange meeting on central enterprises’ assistance to rural vitalization in Beijing, released the Bluebook on Supporting Rural Vitalization by Central State-owned Enterprises (2023), and issued the 2023 certificates of outstanding cases and demonstration projects of such central enterprises.
CMEC’s deed Building Multi-level Talent Team for Rural Vitalization through Teaching and Training was honored as an excellent case.
The Bluebook, published by SASAC’s Social Responsibility Bureau, summarizes, studies and publicizes the participation of central enterprises in rural vitalization. The selection of excellent cases is a full recognition of the central enterprises’ demonstration of political commitment and social responsibility.
In recent years, CMEC has played the role of a pillar as a central enterprise. The company has fulfilled its social responsibility, followed the principle of precision, established a long-term assistance mechanism, and fostered rural vitalization through the talent cultivation. Since 2018, it has trained over 1,000 e-commerce professionals in targeted areas and helped SINOMACH Pinglu e-commerce platform to sell nearly 200 million yuan of local agricultural products cumulatively, giving rise to new momentum for the e-commerce sector. CMEC has carried out nearly 900 training sessions for elderly care personnel, creating better employment opportunities and incomes
Further reading
System support for teaching and training of talents
By taking advantage of its own resources and platforms, CMEC has invested funds for seven consecutive years in helping the four designated counties (districts) with the needs of age groups and carrying out graded vocational skills education for adults through teaching and training.
Graded vocational skills education for adults
In order to explore the value of the rural labor force and assist them in completing the shift from farmers to skilled personnel, CMEC, through in-depth research and science-based decision-making, has continued to conduct the brand education and training programs for e-commerce and elderly care talents according to the needs of age groups and local conditions.
Enhancing the training of rural e-commerce professionals. By relying on the CMEC e-commerce platform, it has carried out grassroots activities of e-commerce experts, developed rural e-commerce talent training platforms and teachers, and conducted online and offline multi-level talent training to enhance the effect of e-commerce in rural areas.
Creating a local elderly service brand. Through multi-level elderly care training, CMEC has enhanced the vocational skills of elderly care practitioners and trained local elderly care labor groups. It has worked with local governments to improve policies on entrepreneurial support and brand building, so as to develop elderly care services in a more organized, professional and standardized manner.
▲Field research
▲B(niǎo)rand building
▲Practical exercise
New mechanism of graded training and categorized promotion
To develop the talent training system in a more targeted and science-based way, CMEC has explored a mechanism of graded training and categorized promotion in the practice of graded vocational skills education for adults.
The training of elderly care personnel
A three-tiered training mechanism for inclusive training courses, teacher training courses, and manager courses needs to be built for a training system of elderly care personnel step by step.
Zero basic training courses for all. CMEC has attracted more training audience in assisted areas by bringing in a team of industry experts to provide training on basic skills and knowledge of elderly care, basic norms and standards for people who have no experience in elderly care services. It has worked with local skills assessment centers to provide certification examination opportunities for students, offering an entry-level support of vocational qualifications and industry induction.
Vocational education courses for teachers. CMEC has selected potential elderly care practitioners and school students in vocational education to receive theoretical and practical training in Beijing. It has provided trainees with opportunities to practice internships in elderly care facilities and learn and further their education by engaging a team of senior professionals, including industry-renowned elderly care specialists and Japanese care specialists, in offering high-quality courses on teaching methods and educational psychology.
Courses for managers of the home for the aged. The program provided advanced training for those who already have some experience in the aged care industry, extending into leadership, team management, and operation and management. Trainees were trained in strategic thinking and decision-making skills. Their internships are conducted in first-class care homes in China, such as the national model the Home for the elderly and Beijing Sijiqing Home for the Elderly, Beijing’s first five-star elderly care service provider, the 5A social organization Shoushan Fuhai Elderly Care Service Centre, and the comprehensive community-based elderly care provider Poly Group’s Heyuehui Elderly Care Centre. Through case studies, field trips and exchanges with experts and scholars in the industry, trainees broadened their horizons and ideas, and brought more advanced operation and management knowledge back to their hometowns to promote the sustained and high-quality development of local elderly care organizations.
E-commerce personnel training
According to the needs and characteristics of groups, CMEC has adopted an online & offline training system of grading and classification. It has combined centralized lectures, field trips and one-to-one counselling, built a channel for targeted operation teams, and offered regular tracking and guidance through online and offline methods, so as to improve the quality and ability of rural e-commerce personnel.
Inclusion of vulnerable groups. E-commerce training courses have been conducted in the assisted areas to absorb disadvantaged groups who are willing to engage in e-commerce and start their own business. E-commerce training courses have been provided to help them understand the basics of e-commerce operation, such as the opening of an online shop, and logistics & distribution.
Helping the self-employed to develop. The self-employed who have set up online shops but lack operational experience have been offered with advanced e-commerce training courses covering market analysis, product selection, pricing strategy, promotional activities and customer service.
Fostering business operation capabilities. Enterprises that have a certain e-commerce operation foundation have been provided with higher level training courses like data mining and analysis, brand building and supply chain management.